duminică, 27 aprilie 2008

stenografic/ shorthand

Barbora a inteles ca/ Barbora uderstood that

vrem sa dansam/ we intend to dance

Eli a inteles ca/ Eli understood that

jumate din film o vazuse deja/ haf of the move she'd already seen

Claudiu s-a odihnit/ Claudiu rested

Cosima s-a odihnit/ Cosima rested

Andi a raspuns la intrebari/ Andy responsed the questions

Ioana Catalin

for once these days got in time

acasa/ home

canapele largi pentru vise/ vast couches for dreams

bucurie tarzie in Praga adolescenta/late joy in teen Prague

noaptea tarziu/late night

trees at three

cladiri dansatoare & o cafenea cubista
/ dancing buildings & a cubist cafe
cu tot felul de glume
/ with diferent jokes
privind dulciurile
/ regarding sweet dishes

trag peste strazi si castel
/ pull over streets and castle
impresia unei livezi
/ a sense of trees

ganduri coerente
/ this coherent thoughts
inventeaza arhitectura masiva
/ invents a massive architecture
a viselor
/ of dreams