vineri, 25 aprilie 2008

galaxia urletelor/ screaming galaxy

stirea este ca/ the news is

in fata noastra se pot ciocni galaxii/ galaxies can clash in your face

si/ and

sirenele pragheze izbucnesc/ and Pragese syrens break out

intr-un imn abia suportabil/ in a hymn that you bearly can stand
si dupa asta, liniste/ and then, just silance

Kino Aero

Praga este un cinematograf/ Prague is a cinema

prea mare pentru /too big for

ceea ce credem despre /what we brought from home on


noaptea te intorci cu/at night you return in


(un tramvai)/ (a tram)

la un moment dat/ at some point

Ioana intreaba de poemul asta/ Ioana askes of this poem

Un film negru ruleaza/ A black film rolls

pe deasupra capetelor noastre/over our heads

turle cu copii de-a busilea pe ele/ towers with kids crawling on their knees

sfasie filmul/ thorn the film

Catalin/ Cosima/ Andi/ Viviana

we know where Claudiu is/ stim unde este Claudiu

cu noi/ with us