joi, 17 aprilie 2008

sa bagi poezia intr-o lume a cartii/ to enter poetry in a book world

avem programul asta/we have this programe
sa mergem cu poezia intr-o lume a cartii/to enter poetry in a book world
momente desfacute/ open moments
pentru o anumita nevoie de liniste/ for a certain need of silence

daca e prea tarziu/ if it's too late
poti sa te intorci oricand/ you can return anytime
tot ce o sa recunosti/everything that you can recognize
este numai linistea/is just silence
continuta de tot ce atingi/inside anything you touch

intorci pagina/turn the page
esti tu/ is you

poezie aici/ poetry here

si/ and
in jurul unui sunet o multime de oameni/ around this sound a crowd
si in multime - tu/ and in the crowd - you
si de acolo numai obiecte/ from that point on only objects
zboara de jur imprejur/ flying all around

abia daca ai deschis gura/ just opening your mouth
aer sigur/ confident air

esti un oras de poezie/you are a city of poetry

ploaia/ the rain
se implica intr-o relatie fizica/involves in a physical relation
si mereu este vorba de tine/ and this is always about you