sâmbătă, 14 mai 2011

From a Terrace in Prague

Stephhan Delbos released the anthology on Prague that includes poems form Two For Prague project.

From a Terrace in Prague is an anthology of poems about Prague written by Czech and international poets who have lived in Prague or visited the city and wrote about it. Ranging from 1888 to 2010, with poems translated into English from 16 languages, the anthology is unparalleled in scope.

The contributors are: Muhammad Mahdi Al-Jawahiri, Guillaume Apollinaire, Michal Ajvaz, Louis Armand, Ingeborg Bachmann, John Berryman, Petr Bezruc, Konstantin Biebl, Anthony Blake, Ivan Blatny, Egon Bondy, Kamil Bouska, Jiri Brynda, Michael Carter, Paul Celan, Vera Chase, Inger Christensen, Christopher Crawford, Svatopluk Cech, Roque Dalton, Bei Dao, Jas H. Duke, Vincent Farnsworth, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Viola Fischerova, Gil Fleishman, Carolyn Forche, Frantisek Gellner, Allen Ginsberg, Frantisek Halas, Vaclav Havel, Nazim Hikmet, Karel Hlavacek, Vladimir Holan, Miroslav Holub, Josef Hora, Petr Hruska, Jaroslav Hutka, Ivan Martin Jirous, Richard Katrovas, Jane Kirwan, Jiri Kolar, Claudiu Komartin, Petr Kral, Martin Langer, David Lehman, Phillis Levin, Larry Levis, Robert Lowell, Antonin Macek, Josef Svatopluk Machar, Ian MacNeill, Sergej Makara, Radek Maly, Jason Mashak, Wojciech A. Maslarz, Iggy McGovern, Edwin Muir, Pablo Neruda, Vitezslav Nezval, Ladislav Novak, Tiago Patricio, Katerina Pinosova, Marie Pujmanova, Justin Quinn, James Ragan, Donald Revell, Tereza Riedlbauchova, Rainer Maria Rilke, Byambin Rinchen, Katerina Rudcenkova, Ed Sanders, James Schuyler, Jaroslav Seifert, David Shapiro, Phil Shoenfelt, Gary Snyder, Philippe Soupault, Antonin Sova, Viktor Spacek, Marcela Sulak, Pavel Srut, Mark Terrill, Karel Toman, Jachym Topol, John Tranter, Seisuke Tsukahara-Watasi, Marina Tsvetaeva, Razvan Tupa, Anne Waldman, Vera Weislitzova, Jiri Wolker, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Jiri Zacek, and Adam Zagajewski.

ABOUT THE EDITOR: Stephan Delbos is a New England-born poet living in Prague, where he teaches at Anglo-American University and Charles University, and works as Culture Editor for The Prague Post. His poetry, essays and translations have appeared most recently in Absinthe, Agni, Atlanta Review, Fourteen Hills, Financial Times, Full Metal Poem, Grasp, New Letters, Oxonian Review, Poetry International, Poetry Salzburg Review, Rakish Angel, Return of Kral Majales, Vlak, and Zoland Poetry.

miercuri, 23 septembrie 2009

Two autumn Romanian poetry events in Prague and Berlin

Two Romanian poetry events for the autumn of 2009

in Prague
September 30th
Krásný ztráty Cafe (Náprstkova 10, Praha 1, Staré Město)
17.00 – 20.00
Krasny Ztraty Cafe
Oana Ninu, Domnica Drumea, Mugur Grosu, Cosmin Perta, Răzvan Ţupa

in Berlin
Friday October 30th 22:00
Live Poesie
Ioana Nicolaie, Sorin Ghergut, Rita Chirian, Svetlana Carstean, Gabriela Eftimie, Constantin Acosmei, Stefan Manasia, Vasile Leac and Vlad Moldovan, with a video selection by Andrei Ruse
introduced by Razvan Tupa

vineri, 6 iunie 2008

cum se aude/ how it is heard

Dan Mircea Duta, directorul ICR Praga, prezinta lectura de la targul de carte iar Claudiu Komartin citeste un prim poem

Dan Mircea Duta, the manager of ICR Praga introduces in Czech the reading and Claudiu Komartin reads in Romanian with Czech version of his poem.

miercuri, 30 aprilie 2008


e foame in Africa si orasul fumeaza
in lumea asta tot mai disperata sa se-agate,
sa se piarda, sa simta

...pai uneori e mai bine ca
lucrurile naspa
sa fie spuse,
nu scrise...

Claudiu/ razvan/ Claudiu

Zburam si asta/ we fly and
nu e o minune/ this is no wonder
la marginea campului meu vizual/ just near my point of sight
poate, un zid miscator/ maybe a moving wall
inaintand in noapte spre/ forwarding in the night towards
alt zid miscator/ an other moving wall
intoarcerea acasa este/ returning home is
o chestiune semantica/ a question of semantics
aproape chirurgicala/ almost surgical


acum zic si ca sa ma contrazici/ now i say to be contradicted
care ziduri, care noapte/ what walls, wich night
care casa/ wich home

tot ce nu stii/ all that you don't know
nu are cum sa deformeze/ cannot contort
si-atunci de ce sa nu/ and then why not
faci asta:/ these:

sa misc zidul/ to move the wall
sau crezi ca n-am crezut/ or you think i didn't belive
sa las asa?/ let it like this?

avem telefoane si laptopuri / we have phones, laptops
si carnetele moleskine/ and moleskine notebooks
iar noaptea masini neinduratoare vegheaza/ un in the night despiteous machines watch
pentru linistea si siguranta/ for the peace and safety
pe care le visasem candva/ that we dreamt about
si atunci de ce luminile noastre/ and then, why our lights
bat in ritmul/ beat the rithm
batailor in trunchiurile/ of beatings in big trunks of
marilor sequoia?/ sequoia?
de ce scriem poeme/ why do we write poems
in care pusleaza spaima/ with fear
nesiguranta si inutilitatea?/ uncertitude and futility pulsating
trebuie ca e un reflex/ it must be a reflex
de demult,/ from ancient time
din preistoria incandescenta din vremea cand/ from incandescent history when
prada urmarea hohotind vanatorul.../ the pray fallowed the hunter loaughing loudly

de doua ori razvan cu o poanta de Claudiu/ twice Razvan with a punch of Claudiu

Claudiu are ceas (21.10)/ Claudiu has a watch (21.10)
cu lumini si asta/ with lights and this
il apropie/gets him closer
de orasul tau/ of your city
din care tocmai plecam/ thay we leave now
Claudiu se joaca cu lingurita/Claudiu plays with the spoon
in cafea si/ in the cofee
si da din degete/moves his fingers
asa/ like this


si acum aflu/ and now I learn
ca eram intr-un film/ that we were in a movie
sau aproape/ or almost
se auzea un sunet ciudat/ you could hear a strange noise
atunci cand am urcat/ when wel took the car
acum doua zile/ two days ago
Respir/ I breeth


insemnarile noastre/ our scribblings
sunt ca urmele de pneuri/ are like tire traces
pe asfalt/ on asphalt
anuntand o cascadorie/ announcing a stunt
sau un mic dezastru/ or a small calamity